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Barrie, Ontario

A few quick notes, and competition news!


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A few quick notes, and competition news!

Peter Johnstone Schulz

Wow, it has not even been a month since being elected Pipe Major of Barrie Pipes & Drums, and so much has happened!  I just wanted to say hello, and make a few quick notes.

First of all, I would like to congratulate Andrew McPherson on being elected Pipe Sgt, and Aprille Holmes on being elected Drum Sgt.  I know with these two beside me we will be able to accomplish our goals this season, and beyond!  

Our main focus at BP&D has always been on our community, and I feel that is what has kept us going as an organization for over 40 years.  This is still the case, at our first practice in September we had a great turn out of new students ready to start their pipe band journey!  We welcome new students to sign up for our next semester.  

Grade 4 Competition Band:

Barrie Pipes & Drums will be competing in Grade 4 for the 2017 season.

Our new music has been selected, and in the next few weeks we will be announcing the time, and location of our Gr4 comp practices.   I would like to invite any pipers or drummers to contact us regarding joining our Gr4 band.  We are always looking to add more dedicated members, that want to have fun, and sound good! (and have more fun!)


Peter Johnstone Schulz