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Barrie, Ontario



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Filtering by Tag: competition

Toronto Knock Out - Jan. 9th

Matt Kiegelmann

Last weekend our band sent down our two youngest pipers to compete in the Toronto Branch indoor Knockout Competition. Both Lili and Rowan did a fantastic job representing our band!  Lili placed 1st and Rowan landed a 3rd.

Both of these pipers have come up through our teaching program and will be ones to watch in the years to come!


Matt - P/M

Georgetown Highland Games - 2nd Place!

Matt Kiegelmann

On Saturday, our Grade 5 competition band played the season opener in Georgetown.  There were 13 bands in our grade and we ended up coming out 2nd overall!  Our drum corps took 1st and "Best Drums" for the day and we also took 1st in ensemble.  The band was one point out of 1st place, hoping to improve on a few small issues for the Cobourg games which are next weekend.

Great job band!