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Barrie, Ontario


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#tbt Orillia Scottish Festival

Angela Soule

It's been a busy summer thus far with members competing at solo events at the Georgetown Highland Games, Cobourg Highland Games and the Kincardine Scottish Festival, our BPD Awards Night and celebrating a very warm Canada Day in Aurora.  One of our summer performances that we are most looking forward to is the Orillia Scottish Festival this Saturday, July 21.  It has been six years since we have participated in the festival, so we are excited to finally be a part of the biggest event closest to home! Join us at Couchiching Beach Park and enjoy the day with performances from many other local pipe bands, country Scottish dancing and many other events.  For more information, please visit  We will not only be a part of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, but we will be performing at 3:30 in the Beer Tent (it's like they know us or something??)

Following Orillia, we will be performing at the Uxbridge Scottish Festival, July 28th and the Alliston Potato Festival Parade, August 10th.  

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer and that we see you soon!



#tbt to the Orillia Scottish Festival in 2012, parading under our former name, Kempenfelt Pipes & Drums

#tbt to the Orillia Scottish Festival in 2012, parading under our former name, Kempenfelt Pipes & Drums

Marching to the field at the Kingston Scottish Festival, 2018

Marching to the field at the Kingston Scottish Festival, 2018

Group photo at our 2nd Annual BPD Awards

Group photo at our 2nd Annual BPD Awards

Aurora Canada Day Parade

Aurora Canada Day Parade