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Barrie, Ontario


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Remembrance Day, Nov. 11, 2014

Matt Kiegelmann

Next Tuesday, Nov. 11th, we will be leading the parade down Dunlop St. for our annual Remembrance Day ceremony held at our local Cenotaph.  With Barrie being so close to Base Borden and our cities rich military history, the turn out for this ceremony is always amazing.  It is important we reflect on the past and honour those who gave their lives for our freedom.

Here is a quick itinerary outlining times for the ceremony and our performances after.

10:45am - March on The Colours

10:50am - March on the Veterans/Parade

11:00am - Ceremony at the Cenotaph officially begins.

After the ceremony downtown, The Barrie Pipes and Drums will be heading to the Legion for lunch and another performance at around 12:30pm.  After our visit to the Legion, we will head to the Army Navy Air Force (ANAF) for our final performance of the day (approx. 2pm).

We hope to see everyone out supporting our veterans and what we stand for as Canadians.



P/M Matt