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Barrie, Ontario


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A New Season, Brings Change

Angela Soule

Well, a lot has happened since our last blog post!  We had our Open House in September which had several people come out from the community interested in our organization.  From that, we have some new students that have started and continue to learn both bagpipes and drums.  Our parade band was busy with parades including the Elmvale Fall Fair Parade, Remembrance day and three community Santa Claus Parades. 

As well, it is with mixed emotions that we announce the resignation of Peter as Pipe Major. His difficult decision to step down will be respected as he takes this time to focus on his family and health. We are pleased to hear that Pete has decided to stay to assist with our teaching program.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Kris Bawden who was elected as our new Pipe Major. Kris joined our organization in 2016, after moving to the area from Kingston. We look forward to this change and working with Kris in a leadership role.

Please join me in thanking Pete for his leadership and service as well as congratulating Kris in his new position as Pipe Major.

We have an exciting winter season ahead of us, including our own Christmas Party for members as well, who could forget our Robbie Burns Night?!  Tickets are available through our online form at

Thank you to everyone for your continued support - without the community, we wouldn't be able to do what we do!

Elmvale Fall Fair, 2017

Elmvale Fall Fair, 2017

Barrie Remembrance Day Service

Barrie Remembrance Day Service

Pete Cenotaph.jpg
Barrie Santa Claus Parade

Barrie Santa Claus Parade

Orillia Santa Claus Parade

Orillia Santa Claus Parade