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Barrie, Ontario

2017 competition season has begun!


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2017 competition season has begun!

Peter Johnstone Schulz

It seems like not that long ago myself, and our Pipe Sgt were sitting in Reay Mackay's sun porch picking tunes for our new medley.  In the span of three hours the medley was picked, and we have been working on it since the fall.  Our pipers & drummers have been attending two practices per week, and hope to put on their best performance of the season this Saturday at the Cobourg Highland Games.  

On a parade band note, we have had the honour participating in the recent Vimy, and D-Day services, hosted by our good friends at the Barrie Legion.  We also led the survivors lap at the Barrie Relay for Life, another community event we are proud to be a part of.  We will also be participating in the Aurora, and Bradford Canada Day Parades on July 1st.

PM Pete